Sulalaatta electric defrosting elements

Sulalaatta defrost heating element slabs prevent slipping in outdoor staircases, door fronts, wheel chair ramps and walk ways. Industrial and heavy traffic applications available also, such as solutions for truck loading docks, loading ramps and stations, malls and shopping centers, transport stations and harbours. The elements are tailor made and can be fitted onto any surface in new or existing facilities, housing as well as gardens and yards. The solution is very energy efficient.

Sulalaatta is patented product, by us, and we manufacture and install them ourselves for all customer groups, households and other private customers, sports facilities, hospitals, elderly homes, kinder gartens and large industrial facilities.

We have been in the market since 1998
The creation of the Sulalaatta safety element innovation was preceded by a long road. The product is based on decades of experience of constructing in the Finnish winter elements and changing weater, handiwork skills and experience and above all most importantly working with good co-operation partners. Our basic key values are quest for perfection and high work morale to serve our customers.  

Why Sulalaatta?
According to the Finnish National Institute of Health and Wellbeing (THL), almost 390,000 falls and slips occur every year to Finns, almost half of them leading to a hospital or medical care visit. Every winter, around 20,000 Finns are injured outdoors as a result of a slip. Annually over 5,000 Finns require overnight hospitalization due to slipping. 

In addition to slight injuries such as mere bruising, slipping on ice causes more serious injuries, such as fractures, joint dislocations, head and neck injuries, all of which may result in long-term discomfort.

Sulalaatta is the most efficient defrosting solution in the market
The Sulalaatta defrosting heat element does not heat the underlying structures, and wintery frosting and defrosting does not influence its structure. No more sand, salt, corrosive de-icers or wintery real estate maintenance costs!

Sulalaatta can be installed in both winter and summer time 
The defrosting slab elements are installed very quickly and effortlessly, and the staircase or other area can be used quite normally by clients and staff during the installation. Installations can be made both in summer and winter time – frost and snow are no match for Sulalaatta.

If you have problems with snow and frozen slippery staircases and walkways, contact us: We give you a free pricing estimate for a made-to-measure Sulalaatta solution.

Installations in Finland, all the Nordic Countries and Europe.

As Oy Meritorni | sulanapito automaattioven edustalla Sulanapito automaattiovien edustalla estää ovien toimintaa haittaavien jääpolanteiden muodostumista. Kun sulanapidettyä aluetta ei tarvitse heikoittaa eikä suolata, se säästää ovien huoltokustannuksissa ja -käynneissä kun kynnysuriin ei kulkeudu ovien toimintaa estävää hiekkaa. Suola ja jäänestoaineet voivat myös syövyttää metalliuria. Sulalaatalla voi ratkaista vastaavan ongelman myös liukuporraskohteissa, joissa liukuportaat ovat heti ulko-ovien yhteydessä ja joissa niihin kulkeutuva hiekka voi aiheuttaa toimintaongelmia.

Sulalaatta defrosting elements have a 5 year gurantee.

Sulalaatta can be installed also in winter.

Interested? Please leave your contact information, and we will be in touch!